St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Reading Hebrews (Part 1)

The men in the church have committed to read through Hebrews over the next month. This week we have chapters 1 – 3 to look over – feel free to join in with us!

Do you ever feel pessimistic and wonder what life is about?

So did the writer of Ecclesiastes. Some even wonder why it’s in the Bible.

Week of Prayer: Saturday’s Prayer Point

Pray that we will know the rhythms of grace, that we will rest well.

Pray that our lives will be full and abundant.

Pray that we will know how to live well.

Week of Prayer: Friday’s Prayer Point

Pray that we will have compassionate hearts for the poor and dispossessed in the city.

Many of the church work directly with these people either in voluntary capacities or through employment.

It’s easy to become hard-hearted.

Pray that we won’t.

Week of Prayer: Thursday’s Prayer Point

Pray that we will have wisdom as we make decisions that will affect the future of the church.

Pray that we will know how to include everyone’s gifts into the life of the church and that the church will keep changing shape as people offer all that God has given them.

Week of Prayer: Wednesday’s Prayer Point

Pray for the ministry of The Vine Cafe.

Pray that it will thrive as a business, but also be the means of many people coming to know Jesus.

Week of Prayer: Tuesday’s Prayer Point

Pray for the children attached to our church: for the children in our families, for the children who come to Kidz Klub and the young people’s group on Tuesday evenings.

Pray for all those in the church who work with children in education.

Pray that our families will be strong and secure.

Week of Prayer: Monday’s Prayer Point

Pray for the church as we are scattered across the city – we are at work, in shops, with friends and those we care for.

Pray that we will make a difference in all of these places. Pray that our lives as disciples reflect the god news that we have received in Jesus.

An introduction to The Lord’s Prayer

A quick introduction to my sermon series on The Lord’s Prayer.

Week of Prayer: Sunday’s Prayer Point

Pray for our life together as church – that we will know God’s presence and power when we meet together; that our relationships will grow deeper together; that we will see the church grow.

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