St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Look at me and listen to me | Mark 9

Look at me and listen to me (Mark 9)

When Jesus was transfigured, it wasn’t that something new happened to him. Rather, it was the reality about him that became apparent…

Money matters | Leviticus 25

Leviticus 25 – Money matters

Leviticus 25 is one of the chapters in the Bible that demonstrates how differently we see life than the way God suggested it should be for his people.

Society matters | Leviticus 19

Leviticus 19 – Society matters

How does the Bible picture society?

How do we make decisions?

Last week, some of the men in the church got together to talk about ‘How we make decisions’. I can hear the laughter from the women that know them only too well, as they ask ‘How to make decisions? What do any of you know about making decisions!’ Anyway, we had a great conversation about…
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Leviticus 18 | Sex matters

Leviticus 18 – Sex matters

Why sex matters, why it doesn’t have a life of its own, and why sex is not the only thing that matters.

Leviticus 18 | Sex matters

Sex matters – some resources to think further

Clearly there are lots of places where good, thoughtful arguments can be heard and engaged with about sexuality, so this can be the merest of signposts to some articles and pieces that I found helpful.

Leviticus 16 | The Day of Atonement - one day like this!

Leviticus 16 – The Day of Atonement – One day like this!

How do you get right with God? How does God allow his justice and love to sit side by side?


Why Leviticus? Why here? Why now?

Neil shares some thoughts about why we’re looking at Leviticus in our Sunday services at the moment.

Leviticus 11-15 | A holy people living in their real world

Leviticus 11-15 – A holy people living in their real world

The lists of purity in Leviticus seem totally at odds with all that we experience now.

Leviticus 8-10 | An anointed people

Leviticus 8-10 – An anointed people

The priests were given clothes that set them apart, and then given a task of representing God to people and people to God. We have become that people for the sake of the world.

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