What has grieved God: Worship has become idolatry (Micah 1:1-9)
The first sermon in our series ‘Hearing God’s Heartbeat’, looking through the book of Micah.
The first sermon in our series ‘Hearing God’s Heartbeat’, looking through the book of Micah.
Starting on Sunday 18th May, we’ll be looking at the book of Micah over a few weeks, a prophet that God sent to Israel around 715 BC.
Faith in the Easter story.
What did Jesus say about praying with faith?
We read the story of Jairus and the woman losing blood, and see ourselves in them.
But what was Jesus trying to do?
And what does the way Jesus acted mean for our church life together?
When the storm hit the boat the disciples were in, they were afraid and thought Jesus didn’t care.
When the storm was stilled, they were terrified and wondered who this Jesus was.
How do we live in the light of death and in the light of Jesus’ reappearing?
The three areas that Paul addresses here as arenas for holiness are sex, relationships, and work – the creation ordinances.
How do you hold on to faith when the storms of life hit you?
The danger of settling for a ‘safe’ faith is that it’s not worth hearing about.