St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

God’s at work to bring about his plans

Paul’s letter to the Romans is the big one, written to a church that Paul hadn’t visited, and so wasn’t dealing with problems in the church.

The Spirit-Shaped Life

The Spirit-Shaped Life

Over the summer, we’re going to be looking through the Fruit of the Spirit, and what it means to have a Spirit-shaped life.

Pray hopefully

What does God ask of us: Pray hopefully (Micah 7:1-20)

The closer you get to situations that seem hopeless, the harder it is to hold on to any sense that God can do something to change things.

Don't give up walking humbly

What does God ask of us: Walk humbly with me (Micah 6:1-8)

What does God want of humanity: ‘to act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8)

God will give us a better leader

What will God do: God will give us a better leader (Micah 5:2-5)

Micah offered hope to a beleaguered people by telling them that God would send them a new King, one who would lead them with justice and would give them safety.

What has grieved God: Security has become complacency (Micah 2:1-3:12)

What drives us all to want more, to be discontented with what we have?

How can we get out of this situation that too many of us know only too well?

What has grieved God: Worship has become idolatry (Micah 1:1-9)

The first sermon in our series ‘Hearing God’s Heartbeat’, looking through the book of Micah.

Hearing God’s Heartbeat – an introduction to our new series

Starting on Sunday 18th May, we’ll be looking at the book of Micah over a few weeks, a prophet that God sent to Israel around 715 BC.

Faith (Mark 16:9-20)

Faith in the Easter story.

Faith filled prayer (Mark 11:1-25)

What did Jesus say about praying with faith?

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