St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

The Spirit says live

The Spirit is involved in the creation of the world, the people of God and the church. He is the life-giving Spirit – God’s breath living in us.

The Spirit says come

From the opening verses of the Bible to the final words, the Spirit is present in the Bible. Always creative, always bringing new life into being, always pointing forwards.

The Spirit says...

The Spirit says…

A look at how the Spirit acted in the Bible, and how that challenges our expectations of life now.

Christmas: What sort of God does this sort of thing?

As we approach Christmas Day, we pull the lens back a little bit on the Christmas story, and ask the question, “What sort of God does this sort of thing?”

Plans and People (Romans 15:14-16:27)

This week we came to the end of Romans, looking at Paul’s plans, and the people who mattered to him.

Who’s in charge? (Romans 13)

The temptation for some Christians is to think that what God’s really interested in is the inward life of his people. Romans 13 says that’s just not true.

What about Israel? (Romans 11)

‘What about Israel?’ is a question Christians will argue over – sometimes furiously. In this sermon, we look at what Paul says.

Have God’s plans failed? (Romans 9-10)

At this point in the his letter to the Romans, Paul deals with the question, “So what about the Jews?”

Change that lasts (Romans 8:1-17)

One of the things that we all find ourselves wondering from time to time is: Can I change? The Bible suggests a clear answer: Yes, we can change!

Is freedom a possibility? (Romans 6:15-7:25)

How do we walk the line between Sin and Law? Is freedom a possibility?

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