St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Easter Prayer Week – Day 4

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 3

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 2

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Mary anoints Jesus

The anointing of Jesus by Mary is in all 4 gospels – all the writers thought that this was an important part of Jesus’ story.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 1

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Do something new – Fasting

A look at the final spiritual discipline that Jesus mentions in Matthew 6 – fasting.

Do something new this Lent

During Lent, we’ll be looking at doing some of the core disciplines that are fundamental to our faith – praying, giving, fasting – for the sake of others.

The Spirit says change

The central work of the Spirit in our lives is enabling us to change. How does the Spirit change us?

The Spirit says act

The gifts of the Spirit are given to the church, not to individuals so that the body of Christ can act in effective ways in their world.

What does it mean for us to embrace the gifts that the Spirit offers the church?

The Spirit says create

In Exodus 31, the Spirit gives Bezalel gifts so that he can create something of beauty. How does the Spirit work like that in our lives?

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