St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

The unthinkable, the impossible, the unreasonable

Mary has no idea of all that will happen or what it will all mean, but she agrees to the prospect of her world being shaken.

Advent – Was it always like this?

2000 advents on, and we join with a pattern of our ancestors, of remembering, re-waiting, re-living, and re-hoping. Was it always like this year?

ELIM 100 Centenary Celebration

2015 is Elim’s centenary year, and we are being called to unite together as a family at a special ELIM 100 celebration, on Saturday 28 November in Salford.

Created to be known

Playboy have claimed that their battle has now been won. But how does the Bible help us make sense of the world that Playboy has created?

Created to be interdependent

Often men dominate women in society, but that’s not how God created us. Men & women were created to be interdependent, working together to look after creation.

This Sunday: Sharing our stories

This Sunday we’re not having a sermon. Instead, we’ll have a chance to share our stories of how God’s working in us and through us.

The joy of mission

The disciples returned from the mission that Jesus had sent them on full of joy, sharing stories of how what Jesus had told them to do, had actually worked!

The message of mission

We need to trust God for the seemingly impossible to happen, whilst telling people that Jesus is near.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 6

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 5

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

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