An Uncomfortable Story (Mark 7:24-30)
This episode in Mark’s gospel is at first sight uncomfortable: it sounds as though Jesus doesn’t want to get involved in the woman’s painful situation. So what is going on here?
This episode in Mark’s gospel is at first sight uncomfortable: it sounds as though Jesus doesn’t want to get involved in the woman’s painful situation. So what is going on here?
It’s been a difficult week in Manchester. Last Monday so many lives were changed for ever. How do you hold on to faith in the middle of events like that?
Mission is about more than talking about personal salvation. Sometimes you need to take a stand because things are not right.
Jesus went to his home town and couldn’t do many miracles there. It appears that familiarity had bred contempt.
What does it take to become so desperate that you are willing to lose your reputation to find healing?
Jesus disrupted the status quo but in doing so, brought freedom and change to someone who had been written off by everyone else.
Jesus was clear how the kingdom would take hold in the world. It wouldn’t be with a bang that could not be avoided – it would start small…
Being offered forgiveness makes us feel vulnerable. But if we can admit our need, the future changes unrecognisably – for us and those around us.
So Jesus’ ministry begins, and it begins with a clash in the synagogue. If we weren’t clear what the kingdom of God might look like, we soon get to see…
This is how newness begins; not with hopes of nationalism, but news of a whole new kingdom. And Jesus calls us to be embraced by it all.