St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

A Church Shaped By Faith Hope Love (Colossians 1:1-8)

What does it mean to be a community built on faith, hope and love? We explore these three principles which became the foundation of the early church.

Jesus and Big Questions: What is the Greatest Commandment?

The last and, perhaps most important, question posed to Jesus was this: “What is the greatest commandment?” Jesus’ response was clear and simple…

Jesus and Big Questions: Life After Death?

The Sadducees didn’t believe in resurrection but they asked Jesus about it to trip him up. It gave him a chance to explore what life after death means.

Jesus and Big Questions: Whose Side Are You On?

The tax question was designed to see which side Jesus was on; the Romans, or the Jews. But he sidesteps the question, because he’s building a new kingdom. How does this help us in our workplaces?

Jesus and Big Questions: Who Do You Think You Are?

Who do you think you are? The question that always disturbs those who feel they have the most to lose.

What is Jesus Doing? (Mark 11:12-19)

This is more than a bad day, Jesus is stopping business as usual to offer the chance of something new. That was the threatening thing. It still is.

Can You See? (Mark 10:46-11:11)

The crowds can see the blessing that Jesus could bring. The authorities can only see problems. What can you see?

Cross-Shaped Disciples (Mark 10:32-45)

Jesus tells the disciples how he will change everything by dying on the cross & rising from the dead, but two mishear think only of their own future.

Damaging One Another (Mark 9:42-50)

We’re called to take care of one another; treat each other gently; act as though we belong to one another. Even when we’re very different from each other.

Can You See The Glory?

Can You See The Glory? (Mark 9:2-13)

The transfiguration is the mind-blowing final scene of Mark’s three-part drama of who Jesus is. Jesus is transformed and a voice calls us to listen to him…

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