St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Paying Careful Attention To One Another

Our Vision and Values: Paying Careful Attention To One Another

We want to be a church who pays careful attention to one another, so that we can help each other grow as disciples.

Alert To God's Leading

Our Vision and Values: Alert to God’s Leading

God is still speaking, but are we listening? We want to be a church that is alert to the Spirit’s leading through the gift of prophecy.

Whole-Life Disciples

Our Vision and Values: Whole-Life Disciples

As followers of Jesus, we may be in the minority but we can make a real difference to society if we maintain our distinctiveness in the whole of our lives.

Whole-Life Disciples

Our Vision and Values: Whole-Life Disciples

If we’re going to be a growing community of whole-life disciples, we have serve God where He’s placed us; whether it’s where we expected to be or not.

A Growing Community

Our Vision and Values: A Growing Community

We want to be a growing community, not just a growing church. But what does this look like, and what can we learn from the early church?

Finish Well

Being Called To Be Church – Finish Well

As we reach the conclusion to Luke’s book of Acts, we are reminded of Paul’s dogged commitment to the people God called him to minister to.

Being Called To Be Church – Unafraid and Unashamed

Paul was imprisoned but not intimidated, because he knew the risen Jesus and the promise that God would be with him on days like these.

Being Called To Be Church – The End of the Beginning

Paul’s third missionary journey was chaotic. He faced confrontation head-on but he also knew when to walk away. We often need wisdom to know the difference.

Being Called To Be Church – Clashing With Culture

The gospel will be good news for some, but bad news for those who stand in opposition to its principles.

Being Called To Be Church – Filled With The Holy Spirit

The Spirit who birthed the church at Pentecost continues to breathe life in to us, so that we can be more than we could ever be on our own.

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