St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

He Has Risen

He Has Risen

Nobody expected Jesus to rise again – dead people stay dead. But what if he really has risen? What difference could it make?

Change The Record

Change The Record

Sometimes life can feel like a stuck record, but the death and resurrection of Jesus allows us to hear a different song; one we can join in with.

The Wisdom Of The Cross

The Wisdom Of The Cross: What Did It Achieve?

What did the cross actually achieve? It stripped the authorities of their powers and broke the chains of things that hold us.

Growing In Wisdom: A Choice To Make

Life is full of choices. Sometimes two paths can look the same but one way leads to life and the other to death. Wisdom helps us to choose the right one.

Growing In Wisdom - A Path To Take

Growing In Wisdom: A Path To Take

Many of Solomon’s proverbs are given by a father to his son. Rather than hoping for our children purely to be happy, surely it’s better that they are wise?

It All Ends In Praise

It All Ends In Praise

Whatever difficulties we face, whatever mess we are in, however broken the world is right now, this is not the end of the story.

How To Pray On Difficult Days

How To Pray On Difficult Days

Even when we are facing the consequences of our own poor judgement, we can be sure that God is ready to lift up our heads to face the day.

Praying For Wisdom In Turbulent Times

Praying For Wisdom In Turbulent Times

Psalm 2 is an introduction for how to pray not for ourselves as individuals, but with a broader view; for those in authority to have wisdom.

6 Useful Tools To Help You Read The Bible

6 Useful Tools To Help You Read The Bible

Reading the Bible can be daunting for all of us, whether we are just beginning or have been doing it for ages. Here are 6 useful tools to help you out.

Growing In Wisdom To Live Well

Growing In Wisdom To Live Well

God has given us everything we need in order to know him better and apply that knowledge in our everyday lives – his word and his Spirit.

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