Disagreeing Well
Christians have always disagreed with one another over various things. Paul’s instructions to the early church in Rome are as relevant now as then.
Christians have always disagreed with one another over various things. Paul’s instructions to the early church in Rome are as relevant now as then.
In an ever-changing culture, we may find ourselves at odds with wider society. How do we hold to what we believe whilst communicating the brilliance of Jesus to those with whom we disagree?
Families are often the place where we let our guard down as disciples. Listen to how four people are working out how to follow Jesus at different stages of family life.
We want to become a cross-shaped church: a place where diverse people find community and all have something to offer. A place where we shape one another and commit to the counter-cultural way of Jesus.
Nobody expected Jesus to rise again – dead people stay dead. But what if he really has risen? What difference could it make?
Sometimes life can feel like a stuck record, but the death and resurrection of Jesus allows us to hear a different song; one we can join in with.
What did the cross actually achieve? It stripped the authorities of their powers and broke the chains of things that hold us.
Life is full of choices. Sometimes two paths can look the same but one way leads to life and the other to death. Wisdom helps us to choose the right one.
Many of Solomon’s proverbs are given by a father to his son. Rather than hoping for our children purely to be happy, surely it’s better that they are wise?
Whatever difficulties we face, whatever mess we are in, however broken the world is right now, this is not the end of the story.