St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

The Challenge of this New Life

News of the resurrection of Jesus was deeply disturbing to the authorities, who were desperately trying to keep order. The apostles directly threatened the status quo – they stood in the temple offering a radically different understanding of all that God was doing.

They were arrested and put in jail, but the angel broke down the door – and gave them specific orders to go back and to keep on speaking.

In contexts where it’s easy for faith to be kept private, we are called to this same bravery…

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Clare, our latest news and some useful links & resources.

The Challenge of Generosity

In a week where we have seen protests about blatant acts of injustice, and against a backdrop where coronavirus has affected BAME people more than others, it’s easy to feel disempowered to know how to change anything.

But Acts 4:32-5:11 shows the result of being filled with the Spirit and how the resurrection of Jesus created the foundations of a new society. That society challenged the existing culture, but also revealed the best and the worst of the community…

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Chris & Dave, our latest news and some useful links & resources.


The healing of the crippled man really disturbed the establishment. The only thing they could do was try to intimidate the apostles. But it didn’t work…

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Nick, our latest news and some useful links and resources.

Slow Down: A New Story Is Being Written

A man who has been begging for 40 years – a lifetime of not being able to walk. But then something happens to that man, because two men slowed down enough to notice him…

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Steve Christmas, our latest news and some useful links and resources.

The Power of the Holy Wind

God sent the Holy Spirit and did remarkable things amongst the early church. On the day of Pentecost there was a new routine for them…

Midweek Musings

Our latest weekly communication. This week a reflective piece from Neil, an interview with Anne, our latest news and some useful links and resources.

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