St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Share Grace – A New Future

Our Easter service, looking at what happened when Jesus met with Peter and other disciples, and the new future He offers.

Midweek Musings – Failure and the Unexpected

At the heart of Christianity is an account of failure.

Politicians failed, being swept along by a mob’s cancel culture.

Justice failed, money changed hands and the innocent paid the price.

Friends failed to keep their promises.

Light turned to darkness.

Jesus died.

Nothing changed…

Share Grace – Eating with Jesus

On Monday we can have a picnic with another household in a park or a garden. So, if rain doesn’t stop us, who will we invite?

What if Jesus was already sitting there, would that influence who would get the invite?

We will think about why getting the invitation list right is crucial!

Midweek Musings – One Year On and Still Zooming!

It’s been a long 12 months.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The roll out of vaccinations has meant that we can hope that relaxing the restrictions we have lived under will come to an end soon, even if we will have to accept that face masks will continue to be uncomfortable fashion accessories…

Midweek Musings – We Are On The Move

On Sunday we shared the news that we will be moving to St James, Eccles Old Road when we begin to meet again in person as a church.

Here’s some FAQs…

Share Grace – The Good, the Bad, the Beautiful

Church communities can be a haven for brittle, petty people. But they can also be beautiful signposts of the Kingdom of God.

What does it take to grow these beautiful places?

What can we do to make them a reality?

Midweek Musings – Why 1% Isn’t Enough

Throughout last year, we were encouraged to support the NHS. So children drew pictures to put in their windows, councils painted slogans on roads, we stood at doorsteps clapping week after week, we stayed away from the surgeries and A&E. And it was genuine – we were and are immensely grateful and proud of those who were in hospitals at a time when no one really knew how things would develop.

That’s why a 1% rise in pay became an issue last Wednesday.

Because it’s not enough to say that you are grateful, if your actions suggest something different…

Midweek Musings – Salford’s Worrying Happiness Levels

The government wants us all to be healthier by 2040. They’ve measured how healthy our personal lives are, how healthy the public areas in our towns and cities are and what we are doing to stay healthy.

I’ve got bad news: Salford isn’t doing too well…

Receive Grace – A Transforming Guest

There’s a constant temptation to think that ‘real sinners’ are the others. Essentially, people not like us. We like to think that Jesus will sort ‘them’ out.

But what if He sees us, ‘the respectable sort’ and invites us to change? What would that set us free from? What would that make possible for us?

Jesus, the transforming guest offers us all that opportunity.

Midweek Musings – Harry, Elizabeth, a Small Man and Service

This Sunday we will read the story of a small man with a big reputation who found that he had to set an extra place at the table for Jesus. If you grew up in Sunday School, you sang about the man, acted the story out, coloured in the pictures. Once you’ve met him, you never forget Zachaeus

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