St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Midweek Musings – Why Jesus Was Right About Football

The plan for a new European Super League is a good reminder how easy it is to leave Jesus-roots behind. It never happens overnight, it creeps up. But eventually you find yourself a long way from the Master

Midweek Musings – Neither An Amoeba Nor The Star

To badly paraphrase the psalmist, you are lower than the angels, but far above the amoebas. You’re the one that bears the glory of the creator, you’re the one known and seen and valued. You’re the one that may have been overlooked, whose contribution many only be truly recognised when you can’t offer it any longer.

Offer Grace – Be Generous

People are hungry. Hungry for change, for hope and sometimes for food.

It can feel hard to know how to respond.

If we follow Jesus, we can do what he did – feed them – and in so doing inherit the promises that come to this sort of life.

Midweek Musings – Australian birds, miracles and stories

What happens to a species if the music starts to die, or when their songs become corrupted or their singers have never heard the original tunes?

Share Grace – A New Future

Our Easter service, looking at what happened when Jesus met with Peter and other disciples, and the new future He offers.

Midweek Musings – Failure and the Unexpected

At the heart of Christianity is an account of failure.

Politicians failed, being swept along by a mob’s cancel culture.

Justice failed, money changed hands and the innocent paid the price.

Friends failed to keep their promises.

Light turned to darkness.

Jesus died.

Nothing changed…

Share Grace – Eating with Jesus

On Monday we can have a picnic with another household in a park or a garden. So, if rain doesn’t stop us, who will we invite?

What if Jesus was already sitting there, would that influence who would get the invite?

We will think about why getting the invitation list right is crucial!

Midweek Musings – One Year On and Still Zooming!

It’s been a long 12 months.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. The roll out of vaccinations has meant that we can hope that relaxing the restrictions we have lived under will come to an end soon, even if we will have to accept that face masks will continue to be uncomfortable fashion accessories…

Midweek Musings – We Are On The Move

On Sunday we shared the news that we will be moving to St James, Eccles Old Road when we begin to meet again in person as a church.

Here’s some FAQs…

Share Grace – The Good, the Bad, the Beautiful

Church communities can be a haven for brittle, petty people. But they can also be beautiful signposts of the Kingdom of God.

What does it take to grow these beautiful places?

What can we do to make them a reality?

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