Midweek Musings – What Time Is It?
Some days, time seems to fly and life can feel short. Don’t let it all drift away from you. Know the time and how you will live your life in such a way that brings glory to God.
Some days, time seems to fly and life can feel short. Don’t let it all drift away from you. Know the time and how you will live your life in such a way that brings glory to God.
As the ancient sage said: there’s a time for everything… including change.
But how do we know what time it is for us? What is it too late for? What is it just the right time for?
When thinking about change, being able to tell the time makes all the difference.
If you think of all the hats you are wearing at the moment, which ones no longer fit well? In reality there are some things you can’t change but from time to time it’s good to look at all you are doing and ask whether this is a time for change to happen.
Change is inevitable. It happens to us all, and it affects us all. How we respond to that change will be different for each of us.
How can we ensure that we embrace the changes that will be good news for us in a way that will help us grow closer to God?
We want to live our lives to the glory of God, but we can get scared that we will make a mistake…
There are times in life when it feels like we should be making changes, we just might not know what to change or how. We’ve got to start somewhere – the place where we already are.
There is the promise of a day where all will be put right. Until that day, we will fight injustice, stand for truth, believe in righteousness…
Some sermons should be quite short. Essentially sometimes we just need to hear someone say: so do it!
This one does that, but not through gritted teeth. God has form when it comes to showing up unexpectedly when you invite strangers to stay for tea.
It’s always worth the risk!
We should welcome strangers with open arms, because in the past some have met messengers of God (angels) without knowing it…
There’s an art to living well amongst people you may differ with. Where do you draw the line? Do you need to draw a line?
It’s an age old problem for followers of Jesus and one Paul offered guidance about when he wrote to a small group of Christians in a large cosmopolitan Greek city.
His advice is still worth hearing…