St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (8th November 2021)

Here is this week’s newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.

This is Jesus – The Messiah

What’s Jesus being the Messiah got to do with COP26, your own very personal life and our life together as a church?

Much more than we might imagine…

‘This is Jesus’ – Our New Sermon Series

As we approach Christmas we prepare for the birth of a baby with a very common name: Jesus. There were hundreds of babies born that year with that name. But what the gospel writers make clear is that while this name matters, the titles of Jesus give us a bigger picture of who he is…

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (1st November 2021)

Here is this week’s newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us. And a quick look should mean you are updated each week.

The Rebuild – Building For The Future (Again)

We’ve spent a long time re-living Ezra and Nehemiah’s stories. You would think it would end in success. Surely, all those efforts must end well.

Except they don’t. Good intentions need to be undergirded with law.

Does it always need to be like that? Jesus suggested otherwise. He gives a new imagination to see things differently and his Spirit so that we can live in these ways.

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (25th October 2021)

Here is our latest weekly newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us.

The Rebuild – Breaking With The Past

It’s a common cycle. We have a profound experience with God and we make big promises. And then it all goes wrong.

Why does that happen and how can we break out of that familiar pattern?

Is there a better way?

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (18th October 2021)

Here is our latest weekly newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us.

The Rebuild – Building For The Future

There’s more to church than buildings.

There’s more to a city than security.

There is joy.

And if a church or city is going to build for the future, they need to build on the joy that God gives generously.

What You Need To Know – Our Latest News (11th October 2021)

Here is our latest weekly newsletter. It should have all you need to know about what’s happening amongst us.

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