St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

And when we cannot tune in

There are times when we just can’t hear, and it may be that we are sure God is silent.

What do we do in these situations?

Tune in to Circumstances

Paul and his companions were stuck because of circumstances and they changed their plans because of that and a vision.

How do we know how to make sense of the circumstances we find ourselves in?

When should we press on regardless of roadblocks and when should we take stock?

What You Need To Know (February 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

Neil’s Reflections: You Are What You Say

We lose integrity when we make decisions thinking no one is looking and that no one will find out. We think we will get away with things that if others knew, they would be shocked.

Tune in to the Unexpected

Angels, visions, unexpected meetings, dramatic turns. If angels only turned up once in the Bible it would be easy to overlook them. But they are everywhere!

How do we make sense of that today in a society that sees itself as far too sophisticated to believe this?

Tune in to the Skies

The psalmist believed that observing nature was a way of hearing the Lord who is speaking every day to any who have eyes to see. How do we see clearly so that we can hear well?

Tune in to God

The promise of Jesus was that God would speak to his people because we are his friends. We would increasingly grow to recognise his voice.

Of course, the challenge is: do we want to hear? Are we prepared to listen? Are we ready to respond if we do hear his voice?

What You Need To Know (January 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

Radio tuner with 'Tuning In' title

Tuning In – Our new sermon series

Our new series will look at some of the biblical approaches to recognising God’s voice, and what we can do to tune into it.

And so it begins…

A young out-of-town couple in a whirl, an old couple, part of the furniture in the Temple, easily overlooked. And a baby.

Luke loves these sorts of people, because he knows that Jesus loves to spend time with them. And it’s the way the salvation story unfolds.

It did then, it still does now. As another uncertain new year begins for us.

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