St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Stronger Together – Jesus honouring the outrageous one

What did she do that was so good? Why was Jesus so impressed by her? What are we supposed to remember? Jesus made this woman feel safe among the men.

Stronger Together – God in the mess of circumstances

Two Determined Women and One Good Man working together.

What You Need To Know (April 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

Stronger Together – God in the mess others made

Five overlooked women save a nation. God takes our everyday contributions and creates a new story for everyone.

Stronger Together – God in the mess we made

The pain we cause one another (men to women and women to women) in dysfunctional families, organisations and church, and God’s response.

Stronger Together – Both wounded. Both Healed.

Relationships between men and women can be complicated. The Garden Story in Genesis 3 explains why that is the case. But it doesn’t need to be the final word.

There is a new creation – and we are invited to be part of it – which affects everything, including our relationships with one another.

Stronger Together – Both wounded: What we lost

The loss of relationship, the curse of power between the genders and the victory that Jesus brings (the serpent is crushed). Why it all matters.

What You Need To Know (March 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

Stronger Together – Our new sermon series

Our sermon series during March and April will explore the ways that women and men can be stronger together, rather than suspicious of one another, or sidelined in power plays. It will have implications for our life together in church, the type of marriages we have and the way we act in the workplace.

Don’t Lose Heart

is happening internationally, and vital when a local church comes face to face with a tragic death. It’s a permanent challenge.

But the apostle Paul went ahead of us on days like these. He helps us keep our eyes fixed on the only true things – the things that are unseen.

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