St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

What if Jesus meant it? (Part 2)

How do we make sure that we don’t get deceived by fake Christians – and perhaps more importantly, how do we make sure we are not the fakes!

What if Jesus meant it? (Part 1)

There are certain things that we hear said that we often just accept, but Jesus invites to see that there’s another way…

What if life was simpler? (Part 2)

Is it possible to live a simpler life that is less worried about what we don’t have and more grateful for what we do have? Is it possible to worry less?

What if we reacted differently? (Part 5)

What does Jesus really mean in the Sermon on the Mount about enemies?

Is this really how we should act towards evil people, structural injustice, and deep-seated enemies? If we think it is unlikely, what is the alternative?

If we do follow Jesus’ teaching, what might it look like today?

What You Need To Know (July/August 2022)

This is our newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

What if we reacted differently? (Part 4)

How do you keep married love alive? How do you make sure you don’t break other people?

Jesus suggests some radical ways to make sure we keep those promises…

What if we reacted differently? (Part 3)

Wouldn’t life be simpler if we just said what we mean, and meant what we said?

Wouldn’t it mean that we could be trusted?

What if we reacted differently? (Part 1)

Jesus saw himself in the line of tradition of the law and prophets. He was calling his disciples to live righteously – in their everyday lives.

So did the Pharisees.

So how was Jesus different?

What You Need To Know (June 2022)

This is our monthly newsletter that highlights some of the things we want you to know about for the month ahead.

What if we saw clearly? (Part 2)

The poor, the meek, the merciful etc are the salt of the earth and the light of the world – they influence the world around them.

We might not think we are very powerful, but we can make a difference – as long as we stay true to who we are as disciples.

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