St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Neil Hudson

Hoping for Newness

The angels met shepherds and told them that peace had come to earth.
Foreign wise men made an epic journey to see the new king.
The poorest and the richest knew that things needed to change.

It’s our joy to be able to say: change can happen. There is something new to be experienced.

Now that’s good news at Christmas time.

Waiting for Home

The world can seem quite dark but there is a light that gives us hope, and that can shine the way home for others.

Christmas reminds us that God became like us. He got tired, hungry, thirsty, and could be injured.

We know how all that feels. But we are waiting for the day when this is a memory, on the day we step into eternity.

So what will it be like when we die? Is it worth waiting for?

What You Need To Know (December 2022)

Here are details of some of the things that are happening over the next few weeks, as well as some important dates for 2023…

Daring to Hope… for an ultimate future

Christmas is coming. And we will celebrate God coming as a baby. But there is a bigger story.

There’s more than a manger.

There will be a day when Jesus will return, and the earth will be fully restored to all that God intended.

It’s a beautiful hope to be reminded of at Christmas time.

Daring to Hope… for the future

When hope goes, we die. Zechariah wanted the people to know that they had a future that would be good.

That hope is really important when we face hard times.

Daring to Hope… for justice

What’s God’s picture of prosperity? What does blessing look like for a nation? What will life be like when Jesus, the King, returns? How do we live this out in practice ahead of that day?

What You Need To Know (November 2022)

Here are details of some of the things that are happening over the next few weeks, as well as one or two helpful links elsewhere.

Daring to Hope… for good leaders

From childhood we tell stories about super-heroes who will save us.

It’s easy to point out all the ways that our leaders fail us. It’s almost inevitable, they are as fragile as we are.

What Zechariah knew was that a new leader was needed. He had a job spec, but he didn’t live long enough to see the one who would take the role.

It was Jesus, the one we all need.

Daring to Hope… despite our weakness

God seems to take great delight in using people who don’t feel capable to do remarkable things.

The main reason may be that He wants us to remember that He is doing the work – it’s just that He invites us to be part of it.

So, to those who don’t feel particularly strong, there’s good news. You’re the sort of people that God loves to work through.

Daring to Hope… despite our size

For many of us, our lifetime has seen many churches growing smaller, looking weaker, feeling more fragile and many younger people have grown up thinking that Christianity is irrelevant.

But you know what?

God’s desire and plan is still to have a multi-generational, multi-ethnic kingdom. And our call is to be part of it.

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