St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Julian Gittings

The Spirit And Suffering

The Spirit takes you on surprising pathways. It’s a familiar mistake to think that being committed to God will protect you from difficult days. The Spirit is not an insurance policy shielding you from problems but a companion who guides you through them.

Jesus Is The Good Shepherd

What does Freedom look like for us? Who can you trust? Which leader is worth our vote? Who will lead us out of the mess we are in?

Jesus promised that we would be able to hear his voice – and that he would be the leader we have been looking for all this time.

Second & Third Signs – Jesus Heals

When John wrote the gospel, he includes just 7 miracles – even though he knew a lot more happened.

What his account highlights is how Jesus engages our vulnerabilities and brings us back to health.

Back to life.

Love Makes Sense Of Differences

Paul’s extended reflection on why love is so central to the life of a church gives us a sense of what the church can offer a divided world.

We can be part of the answer, rather than adding to the problem.

Good News In The Season Of Storms: What Storms Reveal About Jesus

Matthew retells the story of Jesus stilling the storm as part of a group of stories about how Jesus confronts all manner of hell-bent evil.

He did it because we need to hold onto the core truth of Jesus’ authority over everything – especially when things seem to be going wrong.

Churches That Change The World: Costly Forgiveness

Let’s not fool ourselves: forgiveness always costs something. Always did, always will.

Relationships will occasionally rupture. Forgiveness is the way they can be repaired.

How do we do this?

Daring to Hope… for peace

This year we have seen the awful consequences of war in Europe. How do we continue to pray and hope for peace, when some seem to push for war?

Zechariah could see a king coming who would bring peace, not by force but through humility.

Jesus walked in those very footsteps.

He still does.

What if life was simpler? (Part 4)

What have we learnt about prayer over the years? Can it be as simple as Jesus makes out?

How do we handle the times when we ask, knock, seek but find that it all doesn’t work out as we thought it should?

Transformation of Mind, Heart, Body

It’s journey that takes a lifetime and is the most important journey we can take – the transformation of mind, heart and body.

Tune in to the Active Word

We believe that reading the Bible is one of the foundational ways to hear God speak to us. But how do we hear a word that we might find difficult to understand? How do we read well so we can hear well?

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