St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Ian Peacock

New songs for Sunday – part of the series on ‘Grace’

Here are two new songs we are planning to introduce this Sunday at church. They both relate to our current series on God’s amazing grace.

My New Album, ‘The End Of Faith’ – download it for free!

I’ve just finished a new 11-track album I’ve been working on for the last year or so, and you can download it for free!

Music band

New songs for July

Here are two songs we plan to introduce over the next few weeks.

Music band

2 new songs we’ll be using this month – have a listen!

Here are two songs we’ll be introducing this month.

Music band

New song for tomorrow – have a listen!

Just letting you know we are doing an extra new song tomorrow, as it really fits well with the theme of Ecclesiastes 5.

Salford Elim’s Week of Prayer 2012

2012 has been labelled as ‘The Year of Prayer’ by several Christian organisations, including ‘Alpha’, ‘YWAM’, ‘Street Pastors’ and ’24-7 Prayer’.

Two Very Moving Videos

I just stumbled across this story and it really moved me. Maybe it will help some of you…

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