St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Author: Ian Peacock

How Did The Early Church Practice Healing?

The early church believed that God would heal their own sick members through the ministry of people with the gift of healing but also through the regular ministry of the church. How could we/should/do we copy these patterns?

The King’s Mission Continues

The story finishes in a similar way to how it started. Jesus comes to people who have messed up, who know they aren’t capable, who aren’t to be trusted and he restores purpose and personhood to them.

He did it then, and he still does.

Building Unity In A Divided World

Have you been ‘cancelled’ or ‘unfollowed’ yet? All you will need to do is express an opinion that someone doesn’t agree with and the pile-on will follow as sure as night follows day. Our unity can be so fragile. Some of us know that Christians can be as bad at this as anyone else.It’s why Jesus prayed for us. It’s the longest prayer we know that Jesus prayed. It might be the most important prayer you will get to listen in on.

Jesus Gives A New Start

Sometimes our pain is caused by the reactions of others.

We can be overcome by their disapproval and condemnation of us and the way we live.

We can be overcome by their disapproval and condemnation of us and the way we live.

Watch how Jesus deals with the sense of guilt and the condemnation of others.

Fourth & Fifth Signs – Jesus Offers Us New Possibilities

Anxiety preys on all of us.

It makes us fear we won’t have enough, or that we will be overwhelmed.

Jesus knows this and is able to transform these fears of not having enough to living abundantly.

First Sign – Jesus Offers New Life

Too many of us wonder whether we are good enough, or fear what others might think about us.

The power of shame can be crippling.

Jesus rescues us from that power so that we can live joy-filled lives.

Hope Beyond Fear

How did the ‘hopes and fears of all the years’ meet in Jesus?

The Wisdom Of Nurturing Generations

How do we invest well in the next generations?

Into our children’s lives, and the children in our church, and in grandchildren?

We Are Called To Be Humble

Humility is the key – it marks out God’s people as following Jesus. It can be the mark of our relationships together and can be the mark of church together.

Stay curious. Try Alpha.

We believe that everyone should have the chance to explore faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha is a series of weekly sessions exploring the Christian faith where you can explore the big questions of life and faith in a friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere, discussing questions like ‘Is there more to life…
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