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What would you ask the characters in the Christmas story?

Christmas Alive

If you haven’t visited our online nativity Christmas Alive yet, please take a few minutes to explore the Christmas story, and relive this 2000 year old tale, of a baby whose birth promised hope for those who had no hope.

Along the way, you have the unique opportunity to interact with the characters: leave questions for them, and they’ll come back to you with answers.

So please watch our series of short videos, and hear from Mary & Joseph, the shepherds, and King Herod, and explore the Christmas story by interacting with the characters.

[button url=”” target=”_blank” size=”large” arrow=”right”]Visit Christmas Alive[/button]

Meet the characters

Mary & Joseph
Mary and Joseph – a couple expecting their first child, isolated by their family, left out in the cold to sleep with the animals.

[button url=”” target=”_blank” size=”large” arrow=”right”]What would you ask Mary and Joseph?[/button]

The Shepherds
The shepherds – a group of people on the margins of society, treated as dirty and looked down on by everyone, yet chosen to be the first people to meet the newborn king.

[button url=”” target=”_blank” size=”large” arrow=”right”]What would you ask the shepherds?[/button]

King Herod
King Herod – one of the most powerful people in the country, yet worried about the birth of a baby in a small village.

[button url=”” target=”_blank” size=”large” arrow=”right”]What would you ask King Herod?[/button]

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