St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

April at Salford Elim

Preaching Series

From Sunday 19 April, we will be starting a preaching series on Ezekiel.  It’s a big book, and we won’t be looking at all the chapters, but trying to get a sense of what Ezekiel was wanting the people of God to know in his day, so that we, as the people of God in our day, might know how to live.

There are a couple of books that you might be interested in reading alongside the series:

The Message of Ezekiel by Chris Wright
The New Application Commentary: Ezekiel by Iain Duguid.

Both are written very clearly, and give you a good insight into the text.  You can get second hand copies of Chris Wright’s book on Amazon for a reasonable price and Iaian Duguid’s on Kindle for £4.99.


Every other Thursday there is a housegroup at Mary’s. At the moment we’re working though Mark’s Gospel chapter by chapter and working out how it helps us to follow Jesus wherever we are. If you’re interested in joining us speak to Rich Stanton, or send us a message.

Women’s Meeting

The women will be meeting on April 22nd at 7.30pm at Mary’s house.  If you are new to our church please hear that you are very welcome to come and join in. If you cannot make it and need a chat over a coffee please contact Mary on 07974 653813.

The Big Eat

On Sunday 3 May, Langworthy Community Church are hosting The Big Eat, from 12.30 onwards, held in The Willow Tree School off Langworthy Road. It’s an invitation from Langworthy Community Church to meet with them, eat food together, and tell some stories about what’s been happening.

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