St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Advent: Peace (Day 1)

These advent themes link together to allow us to live whole lives.

It’s hard to brim over with hopefulness if we are troubled and fearful.

So Paul’s prayer is that we might be filled up with peace, so that we can be filled with joy.

Make it a prayer today.

May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!

Romans 15:13 (The Message)

(written by Neil Hudson)

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3 Responses

  1. Janet Downs says:

    Green hope? Can someone explain this to me please? Have googled it and find it confusing. Thanks

    • Green is commonly used in society to signify hope, mainly because of the close association of the colour with spring – the new green growth appearing gives new hope for the year ahead, and that life is returning to the world.

      I think this is what Eugene Peterson was trying to emphasise when he used the phrase in The Message – a hope of new beginnings.

      • Janet Downs says:

        Thanks Phil -I had a Facebook PM chat with Neil last night and I had sort of got it and he agreed with your explanation.Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.x

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