St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Where did it go wrong? 4 inconvenient truths (Romans 1:18-32)

What I’m trying to do in this sermon is help us connect with the beginning of Paul’s unpacking of why the gospel is good news. I thought of it as all being 4 inconvenient truths – truths that don’t seem to fit in our world easily.
Paul points out the mess we are in – not because of bad government or education or poverty or anything – but simply because of godlessness and wickedness.

It all sounds old school. But Paul needs to offer a diagnosis for the general unease that was felt at the time, and is still felt today.

But he goes further, and says that God’s judgement is seen in people thinking they can get away with things – it’s almost as though they can think that he is not bothered. But this is the worst situation to be in.

So what’s the answer – he will get us to the point where God’s righteousness is seen in the cross – God takes on himself the price of sin, and acts in a way that deals with our central problem.

That leaves us with the final inconvenient truth – we have to live in this broken world, as broken people, ready to share the only remedy that will work: the message of the good news.

Christianity is not about adding a little extra to our existing life; it begins with a diagnosis that is stark, a solution that is counter-cultural, and a task that takes courage and confidence.

No wonder that it has not always been very popular!

What do you think? Let me know below.

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  1. […] Where did it go wrong? 4 inconvenient truths (Romans 1:18-32) […]

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