St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: May 2016

God so loved the world…

It’s a phrase we hear used a lot, but it was always designed to surprise us, as well as to invite us to see the whole world so very differently.

God loves…

What does it mean to hear that God loves the world, the church, our enemies and the rebellious?

EU Referendum: 5 useful resources to help you decide

Following on from Neil’s sermon on Sunday about the EU referendum, here are some useful resources to help you think about this important decision.

How should Christians decide how to vote in the EU referendum?

I’m not going to tell you how I’m going to vote, or how I think you should vote. But what does the Bible say about making this sort of decision?

Leicester City, the Ascension and Difficult Days

Some things never end as you expect, but when wonderful things happen, we need to ask ourselves what it all means.

This Sunday: Table-top sale in aid of Boaz Trust

This Sunday there will be another table-top sale to raise funds for the Boaz Trust. Items won’t be priced up – just take what you like & make a donation.

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