St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: December 2020

It’s Not Too Late. It’s Not Too Soon.

We may feel it’s too late for something to happen, or that things have happened too soon for us.

But God holds our future, holds our past, and holds us today. We need to learn to put our time in His hands.

Christmas Changes Everything

The good news of Christmas was for people who felt undervalued, overlooked and not particularly significant.

News that a saviour is born, change is here and that everything can be different.

It still is…

The Good News of Christmas

Jesus came for everyone who feels forgotten, everyone who feels on the outside of society, for those who worry that they’re not good enough for God.

God doesn’t love us because of anything we’ve done. He loves us because of His lavish grace.

Midweek Musings: It Begins With Yes

Our conversation drew to a close. There was a pregnant pause. I waited. She said yes. She understood little of what would follow…

Midweek Musings – It Begins Small

Christmas used to begin with the film of the Coca Cola Truck arriving on TV. This year Christmas begins with the delivery of the vaccines that just might change everything.

But like many things it all began in relative obscurity…

Following Jesus With Tears

If you’re never going to see someone again, you think hard about what to say. You say what matters, and you might say it with tears.

Paul speaks to a group of leaders and through them to the church and reminds them of what is really important – both then and now.

And he says it with tears.

Midweek Musings – Tears That Water Hope

Advent is the season when we remind ourselves that hope for the world came with the relief of an exhausted mum hearing her new-born child crying. As every mother knows, those angry tears are the sign that there’s life, that things are well, that there is hope. Jesus came into the world crying so that our tears could have hope.

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