St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: August 2020

Acting Like Jesus – Healing

Can anything change?
Do things always have to be the same?

The early Christians in Acts were certain of a few things: that Jesus had risen from the dead and that meant that things could change – even the worst of things.

The same truths define us: we live in a world where awful things happen. But the resurrected Jesus is still at work.…

Sunday Playlist – Acting Like Jesus – Healing

In Acts 9:32-43, we meet a woman who has two names; “Tabitha” in Aramaic and “Dorcas” in Greek. She was just one of those unsung heroes of the church community. Luke describes her as full of good works and charity and she was part of a group of widows who made clothes by hand. When she died, the weeping widows did what most of us do when we lose someone we love. They clung to items and memories associated with her; the clothes she’d made. They showed them to Peter as they grieved the loss of their close friend.

Here are some songs I’ve chosen that will help us reflect on this story…

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