St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: March 2015

Easter Prayer Week – Day 2

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Mary anoints Jesus

The anointing of Jesus by Mary is in all 4 gospels – all the writers thought that this was an important part of Jesus’ story.

Easter Prayer Week – Day 1

A prayer week where we can all spend time reflecting & praying through the final week of Jesus’ life, being re-inspired by all that we encounter again.

Do something new – Fasting

A look at the final spiritual discipline that Jesus mentions in Matthew 6 – fasting.

Do something new – Generosity

How can we do generosity for the sake of others, and not for how it makes us look, using Paul’s example in his letter 2 Corinthians 8 and 9.

Do something new – Generosity

How can we be generous and give to the needy, without doing it to be seen by others, and in order to impress them?

Make Lunch – Filling the holiday hunger gap. Can you help?

Make Lunch provides a two course hot meal for children who receive free school meals in term time, and could go without in the holidays. Can you help?

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