St. James Hope, 3 Vicarage Close, Salford, M6 8EJ
07771 558 058

Month: September 2014

We’re all in it together (Romans 2:1-3:26)

How do we help ‘good’ people – and we all think we are those people – make sense of why we need to hear and respond to the claims of Jesus.

Latest news

October at Salford Elim

What’s happening at Salford Elim Church in October?

Where did it go wrong? 4 inconvenient truths (Romans 1:18-32)

4 inconvenient truths of the gospel – truths that don’t seem to fit in our world easily.

I am not ashamed… (Romans 1:1-17)

Paul starts this major letter with a really exciting exploration of what the gospel is.

The 9 virtues that make up the Fruit of the Spirit

Just a quick reminder of the nine virtues that make up the Fruit of the Spirit.

New songs for a new series on Romans

We’re going to introduce a couple of songs which we think will fit well with our new series looking at Romans

God’s at work to bring about his plans

Paul’s letter to the Romans is the big one, written to a church that Paul hadn’t visited, and so wasn’t dealing with problems in the church.

The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Self-Control

This was the last service in our summer-long series exploring the Fruits of the Spirit.

The Spirit-Shaped Life >> Gentleness

Gentleness combines strength and meekness – strength under control.

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